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CST 338 - Week 7

This week, we created a simple Android application that displays the names of each course required to graduate from the CS Online program, which also implements basic search functionality by returning course descriptions when a user searches for one by course number. 

Prior to this, I had taken a class in Android app development at my community college, and all of the assignments I had to do in that class were similar in specifications and scope. The final project for that class was very challenging, and I don't think many people managed to finish their project or get it up and running properly. My application wasn't the prettiest, but at that point I was glad to get it up and running. Despite my experience in that class, I still consider myself a novice when it comes to Android programming. I find mobile app development fascinating, but it comes with its own challenges, especially involving event based programming, that not everyone likes dealing with in terms of writing code. On the other side, I own several iOS devices and have always been interested in writing iOS apps in Swift. I might pursue it as a side project one of these days.

I don't have any particularly good ideas for apps at the moment, considering most of my good ones were already implemented and profited on a long time ago (e.g. Uber), but I do have an idea for a silly game that I've wanted to make for a long time, and it could work as a mobile application. This game is what I'm going to base my final project on, and I'm looking forward to fleshing out the details. It's going to be a very busy upcoming week for me, but I think I'll survive. 


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