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Showing posts from April, 2020

CST 438 - Final Week

This week marks the end of CST 438, and a short, yet intense learning experience about software engineering. Although the work load was tough at times, and especially during unprecedented events happening in the world at the same time, I feel proud of myself for making it this far. I learned a lot of useful things in this class that will definitely help me out in my current job working as software test, and in any other future jobs/careers I might pursue in software. Five things I considered the most important are: 1. Always create requirements that are clear and concise, along with getting all stakeholders to agree on these requirements. This allows for efficient development and realistic goals when making an application, and also wastes less time and resources if conflicts arise over what requirements are/aren't wanted, or in the worst case having to change requirements and lose time by starting over on certain aspects of the project. 2. Microservices are powerful, modular ...

CST 438 - Week 7

This week, our team finished the third iteration of our project and got all the basic functionality, front end, and back end components working. We had some initial problems with front end form submission and querying our database for certain data fields, but we eventually solved these problems which finally lead to our front end and back end services communicating correctly. 

CST 438 - Week 6

This week, our team continued with our third sprint to get the third iteration of our project up and running. We focused on finishing our application's primary functions, such as searching for restaurants, displaying menu items as a list, and adding items to a cart to check out and place an order. Our next sprint will focus on front end styling such as CSS and HTML items, as well as refining some back end code.